Many women at various stages of life will experience leaking with exercise, coughing/sneezing, laughing (SUI) or when they get an urge to wee. This is often effectively treated with Pelvic floor physio.

Bladder urgency, frequency, slow flow, leaking, pain and frequent urination over night are all symptoms that can be treated with pelvic floor physiotherapy.

Pelvic Organ Prolapse refers to the bulging or dropping of one or more of the pelvic organs from their normal position into or out of the vagina. This may result in vaginal heaviness, bulging or dragging.

Difficulty with holding in wind, stool and having to race to the toilet when you get the urge for a poo can indicate pelvic floor dysfunction. Pelvic floor physio can often help alleviate these symptoms.

Having a C-section is major abdominal surgery and the team at Peak Flo Physio are here to help you strengthen and recover postnatally.

Pain with sex (dyspareunia) can be caused by several factors or conditions such as vaginismus (pelvic floor muscle spasm), vestibulodynia (pain at the entrance of the vagina) and/or menopause.

The postnatal periods puts a lot of strain through your body - particularly your neck, back and wrists. Learn about some common conditions that we can treat to keep you comfortable and moving well into this new phase of life.