Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy

A musculoskeletal physiotherapy appointment is suitable for anyone who’s primary concern is to do with movement restriction, pain or acute/chronic injury. A physiotherapy assessment will involve a detailed history of your presenting concern including mechanism of injury, activity levels, current restrictions and your goals. Based on this we will then complete a physical examination will which look at range of motion, strength, coordination and mobility. We will provide education about treatment options, why it may have occurred and how to prevent, pain, dysfunction and injury in the future. You will leave with a treatment plan, individualised return to exercise program and likely some rehabilitation exercises to complete at home or at the gym.

We treat and manage a range of musculoskeletal conditions including:

  • Acute injuries like ACL ruptures, ankle sprains and rotator cuff injuries

  • Muscle sprains and strains

  • Neck and back pain

  • Pelvic and SIJ dysfunction

  • Sciatica

  • Knee/ankle/hip/shoulder pain

  • Post-surgical rehabilitation including joint replacements, ACL repairs, ankle surgery and abdominal or back surgery.

  • Chronic pain

  • Whiplash